Shell Detect is the FREE tool to detect presence of Shell Code within a file or network stream. You can either provide raw binary file (such as generated from Metasploit [Reference 4]) or network stream file as input to this tool.
These days attackers distribute malicious files which contains hidden exploit shell code. On opening such files, exploit shell code get executed silently, leading to complete compromise of your system . This is more dangerous when the exploit is 'Zero Day' as it will not be detected by traditional signature based Anti-virus solutions.
In such cases ShellDetect may help you to identify presence of shell code (as long as it is in raw format) and help you to keep your system safe.
libemu is a small library written in C offering basic x86 emulation and shellcode detection using GetPC heuristics. It is designed to be used within network intrusion/prevention detections and honeypots.
libemu supports:
Executing x86 instructions
Reading x86 binary code
Register emulation
Basic FPU emulation
Shellcode execution
Shellcode detection
Win32 API hooking
Binary backwardstraversal
Static analysis
Using GetPC heuristics
With libemu one can:
Detect shellcodes
Execute the shellcodes
Profile shellcode behaviour
New tools added to dump: XorSearch, Disasm/FindEP, ByteSwap, EndianSwap, Text Display.
DetectType option will auto-detect HTML,JS,Perl,Bash,MZ,SWF,Java & Low Entropy
Beta Support for ActionScript format has been added
ConvertShellcode is a tool written by Alain Rioux. It shows the assembly instructions that the supplied shellcode string represents.
Web interface to dissassemble shellcode, detect packed shellcode etc.
** JMP2IT v1.4 - Created by Adam Kramer [2014] - Inspired by Malhost-Setup **
This will allow you to transfer EIP control to a specified offset within a file containing shellcode and then pause to support a malware analysis investigation
The file will be mapped to memory and maintain a handle, allowing shellcode to egghunt for second stage payload as would have happened in original loader
Patches / self modifications are dynamically written to jmp2it-flypaper.out
Usage: jmp2it.exe [file containing shellcode] [file offset to transfer EIP to]
Example: jmp2it.exe malware.doc 0x15C
Explaination: The file will be mapped and code at 0x15C will immediately run
Example: jmp2it.exe malware.doc 0x15C pause
Explaination: As above, with JMP SHORT 0xFE inserted pre-offset causing loop
Example: jmp2it.exe malware.doc 0x15C addhandle another.doc pause
Explaination: As above, but will create additional handle to specified file
Optional extras (to be added after first two parameters):
addhandle [path to file] - Create an arbatory handle to a specified file
Only one of the following two may be used:
pause - Inserts JMP SHORT 0xFE just before offset causing infinite loop
pause_int3 - Inserts INT3 just before offset [launch via debugger!]
Note: In these cases, you will be presented with step by step instructions on what you need to do inside a debugger to resume the analysis